Our Services
Our goal is to make your business run more efficiently, to save you time and/or money. Whether you are looking for your books to be cleaned up, maintenance of them, or another business task you are looking to outsource, we are here to help!
We offer both personal and business tax filing. We want our clients to understand their taxes. We advise on proper practices and ways to maximize your income while lessening taxes where legally possible.
For businesses that aren’t able to outsource their bookkeeping needs just yet, we offer custom QuickBooks training to help navigate using the software, processing payroll, reconciliations and running reports. The best way to make decisions for the future of your business is to have accurate financial data that
you understand.
Accurately tracking and recording the money coming in and out of your business is essential. We put simple procedures in place to receive documentation from you. Then we take that information, enter it accordingly and ensure the accuracy of your
financial data.
Is it time to hire a new staff member? Are you a home-based business and outgrowing your space? Do you need resources to add benefits for your staff? Modern Ledger loves to offer ideas of possibilities (and often necessities) to keep your business headed in the right direction. We are a sounding board for your dreams.